Grow: Musical Plant Life Cycle

Everything that lives on earth has a life cycle. Life begins, it grows, it reproduces, and then it dies. One way that children can learn about the circle of life is by investigating plants.


This month, we have been sharing tons of fun ways to incorporate music, yoga and mindfulness into an exploration of plants. From photosynthesis to pollinators, the possibilities are endless when we use our imaginations.

Every seed is full of possibility, just as every child has limitless potential. What will you be?


We plant seeds each day by setting intentions. We can choose how we want to be in the world and what we want to contribute to our community. Sometimes, we might feel controlled by our circumstances and need a reminder that we have the power to shape and create our lives.

Grab a yoga mat and a friend and sing and move along with Dan and Rachel to this original Yo Re Mi tune...

"Grow" with yoga poses!

Start your week with Yo Re Mi live on our Facebook page every Monday morning! What seeds of intention are you planting today? 


Fun Kids Yoga Partner Poses that are Great for Classroom Group Activities


Planting My Feet: How to Try Mindful Walking