Hey Grown-ups…It's Okay to Be Silly!

“There’s power in looking silly and not caring that you do.”
- Amy Pohler


Why are we grown-ups so serious? I know…jobs, bills, responsibility, politics…there are plenty of reasons adulting could cause the permanent loss of one’s funny bone!

Take a moment to think…when is the last time you laughed? I am not talking about polite chuckling. I am referring to that uncontrollable, belly aching, eyes watering, can’t catch your breath laughter. I feel like I used to laugh like that all the time but now it’s a rare and wonderful gift.

Though it may seem silly, laughter is actually one of the best ways to deal with all the seriousness of being a grown-up. According to the Mayo Clinic, positive benefits of laughter include stimulating organs, relieving stress and soothing tension, while improving immune system, mood and personal satisfaction.


But even people you think would be laughter experts might be more serious than you would think. This month I have had the opportunity to lead several professional development workshops for early childhood educators as well as our Yo Re Mi Children’s Yoga Certification. With every group, the toughest challenge has been getting participants to let down their guard and have fun being silly. And these are people who’s jobs include tons of play! When it finally happens, the laughter rings out and the magic begins.

"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation." - Plato

Why do we resist being playful? Maybe we are scared to look stupid or afraid to lose control. Maybe we think we don’t have time for frivolous things when our to-do lists seem never ending. Maybe we feel it would somehow make light of the problems in the world around us. Whatever the reason, growing out of play could be detrimental to our health as well our relationships with each other and our children.

So, I challenge you to play today! Get silly, make faces and funny sounds. Put on your favorite music and move, jump and dance as if no one is watching. Crow at the sun and howl at the moon. You might be surprised at just how good it feels. If you can find a friend to share your fun, even better!

Need some inspiration? Check out this video from our most recent teacher training.

I hope you to have some fun today wherever you are. And if you feel a little shy, just remember you are not alone. We were all born knowing how to play. And we could all use a reminder from time to time!


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Tips for remember to play as adults - YRM


Rachel Costello is the Executive Director of Yo Re Mi. She is a professional touring musician and Yoga Alliance registered teacher (ERYT200, RCYT, RPYT, YACEP) specializing in hatha, vinyasa, prenatal, postpartum, as well as yoga for labor and delivery. Through Yo Re Mi Rachel brings musical yoga enrichment to children all over NYC. Rachel has been teaching both adults and children since 2005 and believes yoga is a perfect way to harness our innate energy to increase self-awareness, confidence, health, positivity and balance, while having FUN! 


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