Kids yoga, music and mindful learning tools for child development.
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5 Types of Trainings That'll Make You a Better Preschool Teacher
Here are the most impactful trainings you should take as a teacher (or if you are an administrator: workshops you should provide to your staff). These trainings have proven to improve school performance, educator mindfulness practice, and student achievement.

7 Ways Music in Preschool Helps Children Thrive Academically
Here are ways music in preschool helps children thrive academically, and how we can continue empowering children and their development with music education.

10 Tips for Being an Effective Teacher Online
Here are our top classroom-tested + teacher-approved tips for engaging students online! These tips will help you become a more effective online teacher.

8 Simple + Accessible Mindfulness Activities for Autism
The benefits of mindfulness for Autism Spectrum Disorder are plentiful. Here are mindfulness activities for autism and other special needs that are simple, accessible, and effective.

Mindfulness Tools to Help Virtual Classrooms Survive the School Year
This mindfulness toolkit can help your virtual classroom create balance, support healthy child development, and embrace mindful practices that promote wellness and help prevent burnout.