Kids yoga, music and mindful learning tools for child development.
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A Morning Reset for Parents and Teachers
Hi I’m Alexia Nicole! I’m a Yo Re Mi Teaching Artist, as well as an actress and writer. I am so excited to give you some great wellness tips to try. Feel free to send these to friends and family, especially other teachers and parents!

Four Ways to Use Music to Improve Overall Well-Being for Kids
You don’t need to be professionally trained or have years of experience under your belt to be able to enjoy and make music. No matter the age or experience, music is for everyone! Here are four fun ways music can improve children’s overall well-being.

How to Use Cat Pose to Relieve Lower Back Pain
Beginner-friendly Cat Pose yoga stretches the back and neck and can alleviate low back pain. It also releases the tension in our upper back, neck and shoulders. Here’s the best way to do it!

The Developmental Benefits of Coloring + FREE Coloring Pages for Children (Printable)
Wondering what are the benefits of coloring for children? Here are the top child development benefits kids receive from coloring, and ideas on how to support their development further.

Stillness Meditation: Tips for Insomnia and Restlessness
Transition to relaxation and reflection with stillness meditation. After an energizing class that engages and works the whole body and mind, even children who are not prone to stillness often feel more ready to drop into a resting pose.