Kids yoga, music and mindful learning tools for child development.
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How to Use Cat Pose to Relieve Lower Back Pain
Beginner-friendly Cat Pose yoga stretches the back and neck and can alleviate low back pain. It also releases the tension in our upper back, neck and shoulders. Here’s the best way to do it!

10 Best Yoga Poses for Self-Love + Compassion
We love using yoga and mindfulness to encourage self-love and compassion. Here are heart opening yoga poses and grounding poses that make us feel secure, comforted, and full of love.

Seated Forward Fold for Stress Relief + Digestion
Seated Forward Fold is a beginner yoga pose that aids in stress-relief and digestion. Here’s how to master it and reap the health benefits of this seated forward bend!

Pyramid Pose for Balance + an Intense Side Stretch
Pyramid Pose is a standing yoga pose that combines forward bending, backward bending and balancing. It also stimulates the abdominals and aids digestion! Here’s how to try it in kids yoga.

Forward Fold Yoga Pose Helps Us Ground + Stretch
Forward fold is practiced in every yoga class and is an essential part of the Sun Salutation. It is a great way to warm up the body for movement and to cool down after a vigorous practice.