Forward Fold Yoga Pose Helps Us Ground + Stretch
Feeling overwhelmed and disconnected?
Want to soothe tight hips and hamstrings?
Need a break to calm and relax?
Fold Into Yourself in Forward Fold!
Forward Fold Pose (also called Standing Forward Bend) is a standing yoga pose that calms the mind and stretches the muscles along the back of the body.
This beginner yoga pose is practiced in every yoga class and is an essential part of the Sun Salutation. It is a great way to warm up the body for movement and to cool down after a vigorous practice. Let’s take a bow in Forward Fold Pose!
The Benefits of Forward Fold Pose for Kids
Forward Fold is a basic yoga pose that is accessible to yogis of all ages and capability. While it is most often done from standing, you can also practice this pose seated in a chair or on the floor.
Forward Fold, like all forward bends, encourages feelings of grounding and introspection while strengthening proprioceptive awareness (our sense of where our body is in space). It also strengthens vestibular sensing which allows us to maintain balance in the body.
In children’s yoga, we love turning yoga poses into adventures and fun objects. Try being and excavator with Rachel and practice forward fold while digging up dirt and moving it around!
How To: Forward Fold Pose
Stand in mountain pose and bring hands to hips
Exhale and bend forward from the hips
Lengthen the front of the torso as you bend
Bring palms or fingertips to the floor slightly in front of or beside your feet
Press heels into the floor and lift sitting bones up toward the ceiling
Keep body weight even on the feet, also pressing through the big toe mound.
With each inhale, lift and lengthen the torso slightly
With each exhale, release more deeply into the pose
Allow the head to hang, relaxing the muscles of the neck and shoulders
Stay in this pose for 5-10 breaths
To come up, bring hands to hips, draw tailbone down and lengthen torso forward and up
Tips for Mastering Forward Fold Yoga Pose
If you are new to forward fold, separate your feet hip-width apart or wider to help with balance in the pose.
If you have tight hips or hamstrings, bend your knees as much as you need to keep your spine long as you fold forward from the hips, not the waist. You might imagine hinging from your hips rather than rounding your lower back.
To deeply release and lengthen the spine, try bending knees deeply and resting your belly on your thighs. Then gradually straighten the legs by engaging the thigh muscles.
If you cannot reach the floor with your hands, cross your arms and hold opposite elbows or use a yoga block to bring the floor to you.
Evenly distribute the body weight in the feet. Most people rock back into their heels when forward bending so try to press through the ball of your big toes while lifting the arch and also grounding through the heels.
Relax your jaw, face, and neck as you fold forward. Imagine any thoughts, habits or emotions that no longer serve you are releasing into the floor.
Once you have mastered forward folding from the hips, you can practice bringing arms overhead or out to the side as you fold to increase core stability and strength.
Kid-friendly Forward Fold Pose Variations
Forward Fold pose stimulates the liver and kidneys while enhancing digestion. Folding forward also calms the mind, reduces stress and reduces blood pressure.
Learning how to properly fold forward is a skill children will use their entire lives and helps maintain good posture and core stability and strength. Combining forward fold with Half-Lift helps us learn how to lengthen the spine and strengthen abdominal muscles.
Try combining Forward Fold and Half-Lift poses in this sun salutation variation that tells the story of The Bird and the Worm (one of our favorite kids story songs)!
Partner Up With Forward Fold
Kids can learn a lot from one another through practicing partner yoga and Forward Fold poses create a safe and supportive way to introduce teamwork and collaboration. Have partners stand back to back and then fold forward and wave at each other through their lower legs.
For extra fun, add a ball or scarf they can pass to each other overhead and then through their legs in an Upward Salute and Forward Fold repeating sequence.
As we noted earlier, Forward Fold can also be practiced seated on the floor and this variation is a great way to bring in partner work. Partners sit facing one another, with the soles of their feet touching. Hold each other’s wrists firmly, sitting upright with tall spine and arms long.
Take turns gently guiding into forward fold, from the hips, bending forward or leaning back from the hips. You have to trust your partner with your body weight and know they will not let you fall.
For another fun variation, sit back to back and tune into each other’s breathing. Lean slightly into one another, using your partner’s body to sit up even taller. One partner fold forward into Forward Fold, while the other reclines into Fish Pose variation, expanding the shoulders and chest. Stay for a few breaths and then switch!
When life feels overwhelming and we need a break, taking some quiet time in Forward Fold provides the perfect respite. Tune into yourself, your breathing and the sensations in your body. Allow the pose to calm and soothe the mind and your nervous system. This practice stabilizes and strengthens not just our physical core muscles but also the connection to our core values and personal power.
Elevate Your Curriculum
Did you know Yo Re Mi offers an array of children's musical yoga and mindfulness resources for your school? You can:
- Request a professional development workshop
- Join a 30-hour certified kids yoga teacher training
- Download our app for exclusive videos and sequences -- with no ads!
- Inquire about brining the Yo Re Mi program to your school
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