The Restorative Benefits of Reclined Twist Pose
Feeling sluggish or exhausted?
Are you hunched over your desk and need a stretch break?
Want to feel refreshed and energized?
Relax and Reset in Reclined Twist!
Reclined Twist Pose combines a relaxation pose with a gentle spine twist. This beginner pose is a wonderful way to cool down and prepare the spine for final relaxation at the end of class.
Twisting the spine while lying down with the support of the floor allows us to slowly relax and settle into a deep and nourishing spine rotation. This pose stimulates digestion, creates balance and also opens and relaxes the chest, shoulders and upper back muscles. Let’s relax and restore in Reclined Twist Pose!
The Benefits of Reclined Twist Yoga Pose for Kids
Most of us spend hours of each day slumped over electronic devices. Working at the computer, checking our phone, or scrolling on the iPad are all repetitive activities that can create poor posture - a slightly rounded upper back, forward head position, collapsed chest and rolled shoulders.
Our children often start to develop this postural misalignment as soon as they begin sitting at desks at school. For most, that means as early as kindergarten, where crowded classrooms and increased academic demands have reduced the already small amount of movement and free play.
Combine several hours of sitting at school with time in the car or on public transportation, and we find many children spend most of their day in less than optimal physical alignment.
Reclined twist pose is a great antidote to poor posture habits. It re-aligns the spine, relaxes the muscles of the shoulders and upper back, and creates lovely stretch across the chest and shoulders. This pose also opens the heart and can create feelings of well-being, connection and empathy.
Let’s try this combination of Cactus Pose and Reclined Twist with Rachel!
How To: Reclined Twist Yoga Pose
Lie down on your back.
Extend arms out to the sides, palms facing up or make cactus arms.
Bend knees, plant the soles of the feet into the floor and shift hips to the right.
Draw knees in, raising feet off the floor, and lower them to the left.
Keep knees stacked and in line with the hips.
Bring shins forward so the legs form a 90 degree angle at the knees.
Soften the ribcage, upper back and shoulders onto the floor.
Keep the pelvis neutral and twist from the naval and ribcage.
Option to turn your head to the right to continue the twist.
Allow each exhale to release more deeply into the twist and relax into the support of the floor.
Stay for 5-10 breaths and then slowly switch to the other side.
Tips for Mastering Reclined Twist Yoga Pose
Alignment is key in the pose. Make sure shoulders and hips stay in one line and knees stack as much as possible.
Draw front ribs gently down and back ribs up to prevent overarching in the low back.
Use padding under the knees or opposite shoulder if they are not able to relax fully onto the floor. Over time, you may be able reduce the amount of support needed as the body releases and deepens into the twist.
If knees are separated, place a block or blanket between them to allow the leg muscles to relax.
Keep gaze neutral toward the ceiling or try turning your head gently to either side - opposite the direction of the knees to continue the twist or in the same direction for a different stretch. Play with what feels best for your body on any given day.
Increase awareness of breathing and imagine your breath traveling like a spiral up and down the spine.
Kid-friendly Reclined Twist Pose Variations
Reclined Twist Pose is a great way to balance and realign the spine in preparation for final relaxation pose at the end of class. The support of the floor makes this twist extremely calming and comforting, and practicing this pose regularly has the potential to relieve stress and anxiety while balancing the mind.
Anytime we are twisting, we naturally cross the midline of the body which fires up the corpus callosum, or the super highway connecting the right and left sides of the brain. Exercises like Reclined Twist increase right-left brain integration, support complex mental functions and sensory integration. For young children especially, crossing the midline is a prerequisite for success in reading and writing.
You can increase these benefits by including several energizing twisting poses in a sequence to prepare the body for this final deep relaxing twist. Other yoga poses involving spinal rotation include Seated Twist, Revolved Squat and Revolved Chair Pose. These more active twisting poses also stimulate the abdominal organs and build core and spinal muscle strength.
One of our favorite ways to get children twisting is to pretend to be a helicopter flying up into the sky. Let’s fly with Shelley!
There are also lots of fun variations for Reclined Twist Pose. Make it fun by trying out different arm and leg positions to see what feels best for your body. Here are a few of our favorites:
Turn palms up, down or bring arms overhead or into cactus position.
Try extending the bottom leg long rather than having both knees bent.
Cross one leg over the other and wrap into eagle pose legs. Drop the knees to the opposite of the top wrapped leg. This can be a pretty intense stretch for the hips and outer thighs so take it slow to ensure your knees stay easy and comforatble.
You might notice that twisting to one side of the body feels more or less comfortable than twisting to the other. That is completely normal as none of us are symmetrical. Yoga can help bring our bodies closer into balance so make sure to practice on both sides even if one feels a bit strange!
After practicing these deep spine rotations, it is always a great idea to rest in relaxation for several minutes. This allows the spine to come into optimal alignment and leaves space for us to integrate all we have done and hopefully bring improved posture and a sense of relaxation with us into the rest of our day. Happy twisting!
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