Side Plank Yoga Strengthens Focus + Balance

Feel low energy and want to fire things up?
Need to build focus and concentration?
Looking for a strong full-body practice?

Play in Side Plank!

Side Plank, also known as sage pose, is a powerful arm balance that challenges stability, concentration and focus. It builds on the strength and alignment found in traditional Plank Pose and provides a great next level for students who feel confident in plank and are looking to change it up. Let’s practice side plank pose!

Side plank yoga pose illustration

The Benefits of Side Plank Yoga Pose for Kids

Side Plank Pose strengthens the wrists, forearms, shoulders, and spine. It also increases flexibility in the wrists while toning the abdominal muscles. Practicing side plank improves balance, concentration, and focus and prepares us for more challenging arm balances.

Don’t worry if you fall out of this pose a few times while you get the hang of it. It takes a tremendous amount of strength, core stability and single-mindedness to maintain this shape for extended periods of time.

We encourage children to stay in the pose longer, and gradually build strength, by making it fun. Pretending to be an animal or singing a song makes it easier to keep it going.

Sing along with Rachel and turn your side plank into a cricket!

How To: Side Plank Pose

  • From downward facing dog, come forward into plank pose.

  • Turn on the outer edge of the right foot, stacking the left foot on the right.

  • Spread the fingers of the right hand, distributing weight evenly throughout.

  • Flex the feet, reach through the heels and align the heels with the right wrist.

  • Draw tailbone toward the heels and firm the abdominals up and in.

  • Stack and level the hips, front to back and side to side.

  • Align right wrist under right shoulder and stack the shoulders in one line.

  • Push the floor away with the bottom hand and lift the hips and bottom ribs away from the floor.

  • Reach the top arm up, broadening the collarbones with palm facing out and fingers extended

  • Gaze forward or toward the top hand.

  • Stay in this pose for 3-5 breaths and then switch to the other side.

Tips for Mastering Side Plank Pose

  • If you are new to side plank, you can maintain alignment and build strength by dropping your bottom knee and shin to the floor.

  • Do not rush to extend the top arm, rather keep the top hand on the top hip to check hip alignment for as long as needed.

  • Keep head and shoulders in one line, extending the chest forward while drawing shoulder blades down the back.

  • Reach through the heels to keep the legs engaged and lengthened. Keeping the limbs and core active will make this pose feel more weightless.

  • Continue to press the floor away with the bottom hand to create a feeling of lift in this pose rather than sinking.

  • Relax your jaw, face, and neck as you hold this pose. Practice engaging strength without adding unnecessary tension.

yoga Side Plank pose variations with kids

Kid-friendly Side Plank Pose Variations

Once you feel steady in side plank pose, you can play with lots of fun variations. Challenge your strength and balance by extending your top arm over your head and raising the top leg in line with the hip.

Or try a “tree pose” side plank variation by drawing the top foot onto the inner thigh of the opposite leg. For more crazy fun, you can play in “wild thing” variation…

  • Stepping the top foot behind the bottom calf, bringing the sole of the foot to the floor.

  • Press up through the hips, curl shoulder blades into the back ribs and release the head back.

  • Lift the chest and extend the arm over the ear.

Or try some fun arm variations with Rachel while pretending to be a fire truck. Imagine your top arm is a hose and you are putting out a huge fire! (And if you love this truck theme, try our other transportation yoga poses here.)

As you practice side plank, notice that the entire supporting side of the body is engaged—the muscles of the arms, chest, and upper back, as well as the abdominals and legs.

Engaging all of those big muscles and pressing into the pads of the fingers should prevent you from dumping all your weight into your wrists.

Even so, you might really feel this pose in the wrists as you build strength and achieve proper alignment. After practicing Plank and Side Plank poses, make sure you give your wrists some love by taking 5-10 breaths in Child’s Pose or another recovery pose.

Circle the wrists slowly in both directions and open and close your fingers into fists repeatedly to release any built up tension.

Elevate Your Curriculum

Did you know Yo Re Mi offers an array of children's musical yoga and mindfulness resources for your kids? You can:

  • Download our app for exclusive videos and fun activities -- with no ads!
  • Request a professional development workshop
  • Join a 30-hour certified kids yoga teacher training
  • Inquire about bringing the Yo Re Mi program to your students or family


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Benefits of side plank yoga pose / side plank for beginners and children


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