Simple Tips to Master Rabbit Yoga Pose with Kids

Does everything feel overwhelming?
Need to boost your immune system while relaxing the nervous system?
Want to focus, calm and ground?

Relax in Rabbit Pose!

Rabbit yoga pose, sometimes called Hare Headstand or Hare Pose yoga, is a deep forward bend that most children are able to do quite naturally. It provides a controlled lengthening of the upper spine and neck while creating space and releasing tension in the neck, shoulders and upper back.

Like other forward bends, Rabbit pose is a calming pose that draws our attention from the outer world around us and brings our focus inward to our breath and body sensations. Rabbit pose yoga provides many of the benefits of Headstand and Shoulder Stand within a more gentle and soothing practice.

For this pose, we definitely want to make sure your body and spine is properly warmed up. Take a few minutes to practice some sun salutations and warriors before we hop into this fun and playful, kid-friendly yoga pose.

Rabbit yoga poses illustration

The Benefits of Rabbit Pose for Kids

Rabbit Pose relaxes the nervous system, and can help with both depression and insomnia. It is also great for cold and flu season as it boosts the immune system while while alleviating cold and sinus symptoms.

This beneficial pose can also aid in digestion, while stimulating the thyroid and parathyroid glands, which balance and regulate the body’s metabolism and calcium.

The big forward bend in rabbit pose strengthens and tones the abdomen while stretching the back body. It challenges us to breathe into the sides and backs of the lungs, building capacity and respiratory health and ease.

Rabbit Pose is a playful, easy and accessible way for yogis of all ages (children and grown ups!) to enjoy these mental and physical health benefits while having fun. Let’s sing along with Dan as we practice rabbit.

  • Tip: You won’t be able to see what’s happening while you are in the pose so watch once and then try it for yourself!

Elevate Your Curriculum

Did you know Yo Re Mi offers an array of children's musical yoga and mindfulness resources for your school? You can:

  • Request a professional development workshop
  • Join a 30-hour certified kids yoga teacher training
  • Download our app for exclusive videos and sequences -- with no ads!
  • Inquire about brining the Yo Re Mi program to your classroom or school.

How To: Rabbit Pose

  • Begin sitting on your heels with a long spine

  • Reach back and hold your heels with your hands, thumbs on the outside and fingers on the inside of your feet

  • Tuck your chin toward your chest, draw your belly inward and round the body down

  • Place the top of your head on the floor, with your forehead as close to your knees as possible

  • Keep firming the belly in and up, navel toward spine to protect the low back

  • Pull gently on your heels as you lift your hips upward, straightening the arms

  • Use your arm and core strength so very little body weight comes into the head and neck

  • Stay for 3-5 breaths

  • Reverse to exit, rounding back out along the spine, chin up last and release the hands

Tips for Mastering Rabbit Yoga Pose

  • If you are new to rabbit pose head positioning is very important. Make sure the top or “crown” of your head is on the floor, not the back of your head. Do not look around once you are in the full expression of rabbit pose. Come out of the pose first to protect your neck.

  • If it is difficult to bring your forehead to touch your knees, find a comfortable spot as close as possible without straining and you may increase spine flexibility over time with practice.

  • Bring a blanket under your knees and head for extra support and padding.

  • Continuously pull on the heels and engage the core - you want little to no body weight resting on the top of the head and zero compression along the spine.

  • Relax shoulders to relieve tension along the neck, shoulders and upper back. The support of your abdominals should give you enough space to do this.

  • Lift the hips upward rather than forward to ensure proper alignment and lengthen the spine. Eventually your thighs might be perpendicular to the floor.

  • Relax your jaw, face, and neck and breathe deeply, expanding the side and back ribs.

Yoga rabbit pose variation illustration

Kid-friendly Rabbit Pose Variations

Rabbit pose can provide an enjoyable yoga addition to a garden, farm or animal-themed classroom inquiry. Some children and adults might have trouble reaching to hold their heels. That’s a perfect time to try a fun variation, interlacing the fingers behind the back and stretching arms up like tall bunny ears.

Pretending to be sleeping bunnies encourages children to stay in the pose longer. Quietly count breaths before waking up and then hop all around the room! This activity allows children to experience and understand their range - from quiet to loud, small to big movements, slow to fast - and expands their movement possibilities while increasing body awareness.

Try this sleeping and hopping along with Dan! What other animals could we be?

After you practice rabbit pose a few times, a gentle seated twist can be a nice way to enjoy all the space you just created along your spine. Also, rabbits love to snuggle and cuddle so make sure you take time at the end of your yoga practice for relaxation pose. Imagine making your own body soft and cozy like rabbit fur as you rest.



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Benefits of rabbit pose / rabbit yoga pose for children


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